Friday 24 May 2013

Smyrna = W Guru

Today I got a new a new name Smyrna = W Guru

Smyrna is a mysterious name of Rev Book and earlier meanings were Smyrna = S my name = Adam my name

The significance of the new meaning is that that ten sikhs gurus are restored in me therefore I am the wahe guru or wondrous dispel-er of darkness by light which is life

THIS explain the meaning of wahe guru di fateh - in that I have to fight and win the battle for Raj Karega Khalasa with the ww Sikhs as my followers

BUT the ground reality is this that Delhi Shirimani Gurudwara Secy General M S Sirsa could not be met because the spirit surrounding him make him leave the house without meeting me - though I visited 3 times and was assured by his PS that a meeting will be arranged

Because I am the wondrous guru of Sikhs if they discard me they will lose their powers and right to inherit the earth as in Rev Book church Ephesus = Shep us = a-z Sikhs

THE truth is that ary Magdalene who lived like John and wrote the Rev Book was later born as Sikh Mother Sahib and of the other 11 disciples ten were born as Sikh Gurus while the eleventh one was discarded as Judas iscariot the son of perdition